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North Koreans for 15 years ?Take pictures North Korean delegates came to the Republic of Korea, and the President of the Republic of Korea visited North Korea for more than 15 years and moved to the factory, but the North-South relationship did not improve. This time, the North Koreans came, but if they take a picture, they will invite the President of the Republic of Korea and take a picture of them, and the meeting with the separated family will be held and the atmosphere will be maintained. North Korea will study nuclear bombs in the ground and make a decision about how to use South Korea to make time for bomb manufacturing. I can not see. If North Korea really wants reconciliation, it would be the order to invite the President of the Republic of Korea to show the world that the nuclear bombs will not be manufactured and opened for the purpose of economic growth, not the war like Russia or China. The reason North Korea keeps sticking to the nuclear bomb It is not for the purpose of living well for the North Koreans but it seems to be aimed at instigating the atmosphere of the war of North Koreans, maintaining the vested interests of the North Korean authorities and maintaining the communist system. North Korean vested interests live for the purpose of unification for North Korean residents, but North Korean vested interests do not want to unify in their minds. In this atmosphere, what can we get from exchanging with North Korea? ???

¤Ñ West German coach (Oh Byung-hwa) ¤Ñ




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