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I taught students Nowadays, about 60% of regular public high school students take lessons in class and take them up to their desk Moon Jae-in is the time for the government to eliminate the environment and to make students become more advanced curriculums and more creative teaching methods to build up their knowledge by taking classes. Russia is learning differential integration in elementary school and there is a system of education so that students can follow deep mathematics. In the past, when I was a high school student, I had a student who came after class If you are a good student, you will not be able to study. If you do not study, you will not be able to study. ?Therefore, students who are studying at middle school are subtracted from the class, and they are categorized as self-employed private high school students. Even if the educational system changes due to government policy, students who are good at studying become habits of studying themselves, and they can go ahead and follow classes. However, students who are not able to study will get a lot of damage if they change their education system. Then where do you think the average children belong to? The children of the common people can not study. I have a good head but I do not have enough opportunities to concentrate on my studies because I am not able to study because of my family circumstances and I am not motivated to study. Make one-to-one Mantos system for college students I think that it is not the time to integrate with students who can not study and students who can not study because it is time to study and implement a system that gives students a part of scholarship if they do part-time jobs that motivate students and give career counseling or phone counseling. ????????

¤Ñ West German coach (Oh Byung-hwa) ¤Ñ


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