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Phase 2 in reopening Italy from coronavirus lockdown

First sunbeds on Posillipo's private beaches during phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency, in Naples, southern Italy, 29 May 2020. Extra work for lifeguards who, always wearing protective face masks, must ensure the sanitization of the places used by customers, 29 May 2020. Italy, like many other countries around the world, is gradually easing COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in an effort to restart its economy and help people in their daily routines after the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic.  EPA/CIRO FUSCO

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Phase 2 in reopening Italy from coronavirus lockdown

First sunbeds on Posillipo's private beaches during phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency, in Naples, southern Italy, 29 May 2020. Extra work for lifeguards who, always wearing protective face masks, must ensure the sanitization of the places used by customers, 29 May 2020. Italy, like many other countries around the world, is gradually easing COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in an effort to restart its economy and help people in their daily routines after the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic.  EPA/CIRO FUSCO

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