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Hi-Tech fair in Shenzen

People talk in presence of the robot at the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, 13 November 2019. China Hi-Tech Fair is the largest and the most influential scientific and technological fair in China to promote economic and technological exchange and cooperation between different countries and regions, and also focused on advanced technologies and products in fields such as energy conservation, a new generation of information technologies, environment protection, biology, manufacture of high-end equipment, new materials, new energies, new energy vehicles etc.  EPA/ALEX PLAVEVSKI

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Hi-Tech fair in Shenzen

People experience virtual reality (VR) at the China Hi-Tech Fair (CHTF) in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, 13 November 2019. China Hi-Tech Fair is the largest and the most influential scientific and technological fair in China to promote economic and technological exchange and cooperation between different countries and regions, and also focused on advanced technologies and products in fields such as energy conservation, a new generation of information technologies, environment protection, biology, manufacture of high-end equipment, new materials, new energies, new energy vehicles etc.  EPA/ALEX PLAVEVSKI

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